BeaconHunter: detect and respond to potential Cobalt Strike beacons


Behavior-based monitoring and hunting tool built-in C# tool leveraging ETW tracing. Blue teamers can use this tool to detect and respond to potential Cobalt Strike beacons. Red teamers can use this tool to research ETW bypasses and discover new processes that behave like beacons.

Beacon implants injected in a benign process live in a thread with a Wait:DelayExecution state (probably related to Cobalt Strike’s sleep). Find all processes that contain a thread in a Wait:DelayExecution state. Then, leverage ETW tracing to specifically monitor suspicious thread activity:

  • HTTP/HTTPS callbacks
  • DNS queries
  • File system (cd,ls,upload,rm)
  • Process termination (kill)
  • Shell commands (run,execute)

Score suspicious behavior. Log, display, and take action against them.

Running BeaconHunter

  • Open Powershell or CMD as an Administrator
  • .\BeaconHunter.exe


Network Beacon Score
  • The score is determined by calculating the time difference between beacon callbacks (delta), then calculating the 1st derivative of the delta, and then feeding the answer to an inverse function 100/x where x is the 1st derivative of the delta. (Note: There is probably a better way, but it works)BeaconHunter


IP and PORT stats



DNS Queries

  • Helpful to detect DNS beacons.BeaconHunter


Directory Change


New Uploaded Files


Shell Commands

  • Detects PPID spoofing



Suspend Thread ID – Manual


Suspend Thread ID – Automated

  • Set a score threshold. If Network Beacon Scores goes above the threshold, BeaconHunter will automatically suspend the thread.


Author: Andrew Oliveau (@AndrewOliveau)