Category: Software


Nginx mainline version1.15.2 release: bug fixes and new features

Nginx mainline version 1.15.2 has been released. This version adds a new feature, one change, and some bug fixes. Feature: the $ssl_preread_protocol variable in the ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module. Feature: now when using the “reset_timedout_connection” directive nginx...

GCC 8.2

GCC 8.2 released, add a lot of features

GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) is a set of programming language compilers developed by GNU . It is a set of free software distributed under the GPL and LGPL licenses. It is also a key part of the GNU project and...

Vivaldi Qwant

Vivaldi browser uses privacy-focused search engine Qwant

Vivaldi Technologies revealed that its Chromium-based Vivaldi web browser had introduced a new search engine, Qwant. The biggest highlight of this search engine developed independently by a French company is the protection of user privacy...


VirtualBox 5.2.16 release: open source virtualization software

VirtualBox is Oracle’s multi-platform open source virtualization software, support GNU / Linux, Windows, macOS and Solaris and other systems. Today, the company suddenly announced the official version of VirtualBox 5.2.10, based on the recent on-line Qt5...


BusyBox 1.29.1 released: UNIX utilities

BusyBox is a software that integrates more than a hundred of the most commonly used Linux commands and tools. It includes some simple tools such as ls, cat, and echo, as well as some more...

Unity 2018.2 officially released

Unity 2018.1 released in May,  marks the beginning of a new cycle. Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) and Shader Graph together provide more functionality for artists and developers, while C# Job System, Burst Compiler and ECS...

AMD Windows 10 April Update

AMD Radeon 18.7.1 Graphics Driver Release

Nearly a month since the last update, AMD launched the Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.7.1 driver. This update brings game optimization to the 4-player cooperative shooting game “Earth Fall,” which significantly enhances its performance. RX...