Category: Network PenTest


Mr.SIP: SIP-Based Audit and Attack Tool

Mr.SIP SIP-Based Audit and Attack Tool Mr.SIP is a tool developed to audit and simulate SIP-based attacks. Originally it was developed to be used in academic work to help developing novel SIP-based DDoS attacks...

Industrial Exploitation Framework

Industrial Exploitation Framework: a exploitation framework

Industrial Exploitation Framework ISF(Industrial Exploitation Framework) is an exploitation framework based on Python, it’s similar to the Metasploit framework. ISF is based on open source project routersploit. ICS Protocol Clients Name Path Description modbus_tcp_client icssploit/clients/


avet v2.4.1 releases: AntiVirus Evasion Tool

AVET AVET is an AntiVirus Evasion Tool, which was developed for making life easier for pentesters and for experimenting with antivirus evasion techniques. What & Why: when running an exe file made with msfpayload...

Elasticsearch for Offensive Security

docker_offensive_elk: Elasticsearch for Offensive Security

Offensive ELK: Elasticsearch for Offensive Security Traditional “defensive” tools can be effectively used for Offensive security data analysis, helping your team collaborate and triage scan results. In particular, Elasticsearch offers the chance to aggregate...


gorsh v1.0 releases: golang reverse shell

gorsh A Golang Implant and Tmux-driven C2 Interface Originally forked from – sysdream/hershell Fork Changes Changes after fork: Uses tmux as a pseudo-C2-like interface, creating a new window with each agent callback Download files with...

Mail Header Analyzer

MHA: Mail Header Analyzer

Mail Header Analyzer (MHA) What is MHA: Mail header analyzer is a tool written in [flask] ( for parsing email headers and converting them to a human-readable format and it also can: Identify hop...