Perform Google Dork search with Dorkify
Google dorking is a hacker technique that uses Google Search to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use. Google Dorking involves using advanced operators in the Google search engine to locate specific strings of text within search results such as finding specific versions of vulnerable Web applications. Users can utilize commands to get other specific search results.
- Google Search
- URL Search
- Books
- Music Downloads
- Information
- Dork Hacks!
Dorkify can :
- Perform a (Google/URL) search
- Find specific link with keywords in URL/Title/Website
- Search for Books
- Extract mp3/mp4 download links
- Perform a deep scan on definitions and information
- Get details on Stocks/Maps/Weather
- Find vulnerable WordPress sites
- Search for Usernames and Password list
- Find vulnerable Web servers
- Find vulnerable CCTV’s
- Find open FTP Servers
git clone https://github.com/hhhrrrttt222111/Dorkify.git
cd Dorkify
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Copyright (c) 2020 hhhrrrttt222111
Source: https://github.com/hhhrrrttt222111/