Erebus is used to test every parameter across targets based on Yaml templates leading to zero false positives and providing fast scanning on a large number of hosts. Erebus offers many useful features including an intercepting proxy which allows researchers to browse the web, click on links and Erebus will test every parameter that passes through the proxy.
How templates work
Usage of erebus:
-burp-sitemap string
scan burp xml sitemap (without base64 decoded)
-c int
the number of concurrent requsts (default 100)
crawl through each intercepted request
-depth int
the crawl depth (default 5)
intercept the requests through the proxy and test each parameter
-o string
output results to a file
-p string
the port on which the interception proxy will listen on (default “8080”)
-scope string
the scope for the proxy intercetor
determaines if the connection is secure or not
silent (only show vulnerable urls)
-t string
use the templates with all our yaml rules instead
-tc string
Use other tools by executing an os command (default “qsreplace”)
Install or update the erebus-templates
Here are a few examples of how to use the Erebus scanner for part of your testing.
Intercept and Crawl on HTTP
Scanning for XSS vulnerabilities using the intercepting proxy with all of paypal inscope while crawling on HTTP domains.
erebus -t erebus-templates/xss-reflected.yaml -interceptor -crawl -scope “.*.\“
Intercept and Crawl on HTTPS
Scanning for XSS vulnerabilities using the intercepting proxy with all of paypal inscope while crawling on HTTPS domains.
erebus -t erebus-templates/xss-reflected.yaml -interceptor -crawl -secure -scope “.*.\“
Tool Chaining Usage
Scanning for XSS vulnerabilities across a range of subdomains using subfinder and Gau
echo ““ | gau | erebus -t erebus-templates/xss-reflected.yaml
Scan subdomains from a file in the format https:// or http://
cat alive | gau | erebus -t erebus-templates/xss-reflected.yaml
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