Scan is a free open-source security tool for modern DevOps teams. With an integrated multi-scanner based design, Scan can detect various kinds of security flaws in your application and infrastructure code in a single fast scan without the need for any remote server. Scan is purpose-built for workflow integration with nifty features such as automatic build breaker and PR summary comments. Scan products are open-source under a GNU GPL 3.0 or later (GPL-3.0-or-later) license.
The kind of flaws detected are:
- Credentials Scanning to detect accidental secret leaks
- Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) for a range of languages and frameworks
- Open-source dependencies audit
- License violation checks
Scan philosophy
- Your code, dependencies, and configuration are your business. No code would ever leave your builds. All scanners, rules, and data including the vulnerability database are downloaded locally to perform the scans
- Out-of-the-box experience: Users shouldn’t have to configure or learn anything to use a scan across languages and pipelines
Bundled tools
Programming Language | Tools |
ansible | ansible-lint |
apex | pmd |
arm | checkov |
aws | checkov |
bash | shellcheck |
bom | cdxgen |
credscan | gitleaks |
depscan | dep-scan |
go | gosec, staticcheck |
groovy | find-sec-bugs |
java | cdxgen, gradle, find-sec-bugs, pmd |
jsp | pmd, find-sec-bugs |
json | jq, jsondiff, jsonschema |
kotlin | detekt, find-sec-bugs |
scala | find-sec-bugs |
kubernetes | checkov, kubesec, kube-score |
nodejs | cdxgen, njsscan, eslint, yarn, rush |
php | psalm, phpstan (ide only) |
plsql | pmd |
python | cfg-scan (*), bandit, cdxgen |
ruby | dep-scan |
rust | cdxgen |
serverless | checkov |
terraform | checkov, tfsec |
Visual Force (vf) | pmd |
Apache Velocity (vm) | pmd |
yaml | yamllint |
(*) – Deep analyzer for Python is a built-in feature
Install & Use
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