VLC Player can run on Windows 10 on ARM64

At the Build 2018 Developer Conference last month, Microsoft released the ARM64 SDK, which allows developers to easily compile applications for Windows 10 on ARM devices. Although it is also possible to support x86 applications in a simulated way, it will have a great impact on performance, so the SDK is very popular among developers. A month later, Videolan, a well-known cross-platform media player manufacturer, brought us an entirely new ARM64 version of VLC.

vlc arm64

Interested friends have been able to download it on the Videolan official website, but given that Windows 10 on the ARM is still in the early stages of development, don’t have perfect expectations for actual experience.

Unlike the other versions provided on the download page, the version number of the ARM64 platform is displayed as “4.0.0 dev”, which is obviously a more satisfying version for curious babies.


Source: windowscentral