Just a powershell scripts for auditing security with CIS BEST Practices Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. You just need to run the script, it will create a directory named: AUDIT_CONF_%DATE%
The directory output will contain the files below:
-Antivirus-%COMPUTERNAME%: List installed Antivirus software
-APPDATA%COMPUTERNAME%: List all executable file in APPDATA directory
-Audit%DATE%: list the result of all CIS tests
-auditpolicy-%COMPUTERNAME%: audit policy configured
-firewall-rules-%COMPUTERNAME%: List all local windows firewall rules
-gpo-%COMPUTERNAME%: Gpresult for applied GPO
-Installed-Software-%COMPUTERNAME%: List installed software
-Listen-port-%COMPUTERNAME% : netstat with associate executable
-localuser-%COMPUTERNAME%: list all local users
-OptionnalFeature-%COMPUTERNAME% :List all enabled optional feature
-Scheduled-task-%COMPUTERNAME%: list all scheduled task
-Service-%COMPUTERNAME%: list all service
-Share-%COMPUTERNAME%: list all share
-StartUp-%COMPUTERNAME%: check registry to identify start-up executable
-System-%COMPUTERNAME%: systeminfo
-SystemUpdate: Check Wmi Quickfix to identify installed update
git clone https://github.com/Sneakysecdoggo/Wynis.git
Copyright (c) 2019 Sneakysecdoggo