Even if it might seem like your computer is functioning well, it still requires routine maintenance. Your business can’t afford lethargic technology or computer crashes, and if you don’t keep your computers, you’ll likely experience such issues dramatically.
So, if you want to maintain optimum computer health, make sure to consider the following tips:
- Update And Run Antivirus And Spyware Programs
Although you can perform penetration testing to detect any vulnerability in your computer, it’s still best to invest in antivirus and spyware programs. If you already have one, ensure that it’s regularly updated and perform system scans at least once a week.
- Uninstall Programs You’re Not Using
Your computer has many data and applications you don’t need, such as pre-loaded trial software, cookies, and temporary files that are scattered throughout your system. You can uninstall these programs by going to your computer’s Control Panel and choosing the program you like to remove from the list.
- Update Your Operating System
Oftentimes, to keep your computers running smoothly, you need to update your operating system. Although it may not sound like a huge deal, keeping your operating system updated is crucial to maintaining computer health. An updated operating system will improve the security, reliability, and speed of your computer.
At present, if you’re still using Windows 7 or 8, make sure to update it to a newer version for ultimate performance. Turning on automatic updates for your operating system may come in handy.
- Keep Your Computer Covered And Clean
One of the ways to keep your computer running for a long time is to ensure that it’s clean all the time. Pet hair and dust may gum up the gear and cause problems. Take note to clean your computer and make sure that it’s covered whenever not in use to avoid dirt and dust from getting into your unit’s inner components.
You can use canned air to get rid of debris from fans. If the fans get clogged with a lot of dirt, they may slow down your system and not get rid of the heat from your computer, which causes a meltdown earlier.
When cleaning your screen, use a good screen cleaner and never use a window cleaner as the ammonia could dull your screen. Moreover, never place drinks or eat food next to your computer.
- Practice Safe Computing
When downloading any kind of application, pay attention to it. Sometimes, some programs would try installing other applications, like a toolbar, onto your web browser. Whenever there are popup screens, make sure to read them and uncheck the applications you don’t want. If you forgot to uncheck it, you can uninstall the program immediately. Also, never accept downloads that you didn’t ask for, and try deleting suspicious emails without reading them.
- Keep Your Computer Cool
Heat causes many problems to your computer. Your graphics card and CPU could get hot that they can cause damage to your skin. When your computer is running, it generates heat. If you use a computer at an ambient room temperature, your unit will slow down and work harder.
So, make sure to put your computer in a clean space that’s out of the sun and where it can stay cool. Then, provide good airflow and never place anything in front of the fans on your computer. If your computer is still hot, consider adding extra fans or try using a cooling stand.
- Defragment At Least Once A Month
Even though your files are neat in the documents folder, the files may get fragmented over time and spread all over your hard drive. It’s crucial that such files are gathered back together in a single file to make your computer system faster. You must also run a test to check your disk once a month to repair and find problems on your computer.
- Never Treat Your Computer Like A Light Switch
Unless you keep your computer running always, you might want to turn your computer off whenever you’re not using it to save on power costs. Shutting it down once a day is fine. But, powering it on and off several times daily may stress your computer’s components, which can change the temperature inside the system and cause the hardware to expand and contract. If you don’t want this to happen, limit this and it will surely speed up your computer.
When you do routine maintenance and you care for your computer, you’ll most likely squeeze extra years out of your system. If you consider the computer’s cost, it makes sense to invest in a few extra efforts to stretch your cash farther and get additional quantity and quality from your system.
- Clean Your Keyboard
Keyboards remain a crucial part of any computer and enable you to complete every necessary task. This is why failed keyboards will affect your productivity. It could be that single keys don’t work or it might be that your computer is damaged.
To clean your keyboard, turn it upside down and shake it before using compressed air to blast the dirt particles. To clean your keyboard’s surface, use alcohol-based wipes.
- Never Ignore Error Messages
You must always reboot your computer once you notice a sign of errors. If the problems persist, get professional help quickly. It doesn’t mean an expensive trip for computer repairs. There are instances that a two-minute call to an IT professional may prevent simple errors from turning into a major computer catastrophe.
- Shut Down Your Computer Properly
More often than not, some people rush to shut down their computers. However, what you should know is that it can make your computer suffer. Hitting the power button may be a quicker option, but it risks some problems.
First and foremost, there’s a risk that unsaved work could be lost. The process of shutdown enables the disk drives, as well as RAM, to power down properly. Modern computers might be immune to power spikes, but it’s still essential to take your time and wait for your computer to shut down correctly.
Regardless of how careful you are in using your computer, it may still be at risk for hacker and malware infection that can cause damage to your system and access your private data. To avoid these, make sure to be prepared and stay vigilant when taking appropriate actions if your computer becomes infected.