In this age of ever-evolving information technology, some skills are becoming invaluable. Ethical hacking is one of these skills. Ethical hackers work to deliberately compromise specific computer systems for the sole reason of assessing security. An ethical hacker works in good faith by enlightening the vulnerable party of the holes in their security. To learn ethical hacking is, in a way, a noble goal.
Ethical hackers work to secure an organisation’s online assets by maintaining their servers, hardware, software, and other components to prevent unauthorised access attempts. They learn JavaScript as a lightweight scripting platform to better understand client-side and server side developments. Many ethical hackers are hired by organisations, including the government, and get handsome payments for discovering the holes in their security. This field has seen a surge in recent years due to cyber terrorists’ increasing attempts to exploit the vulnerable systems.
Not everyone is suited to become a hacker, let alone an ethical one. Following are the traits that are common among the most successful ethical hackers. If you carry these traits, you may do well in this highly lucrative field;
1. Superlative Networking, Computer, and Programming Skills
The requirement for this trait is obvious. An ethical hacker needs passion and excellent skills when it comes to understanding technology. A hacker needs to be the best at what he or she does. In-depth knowledge of networking, hardware, software, and programming is pre-requisite for any kind of hacking, ethical or otherwise.
2. High Ethical and Moral Standards
Hackers lack morality; they do not care who they hurt. However, ethical hackers have greater moral convictions than ordinary people. They often access confidential information. It is only their ethics that is stopping them from never downloading or damaging any sensitive data.
3. Patience of a Buddhist Monk
Hacking is one of the most demanding jobs in the twenty-first century. Contrary to Hollywood’s portrayal, hacking does not happen very quickly. It needs immense patience and persistence. Hacking takes time and effort for the successful execution of an attack. Furthermore, computer networks are complex. An ethical hacker needs to look at every aspect of vast landscapes for uncovering any potential vulnerabilities.
4. A Mindset of an Innovative Criminal
An ethical hacker needs to think like an extremely innovative criminal. They need to mould their mentality to an amoral hacker who uses their skills for personal gain or spreading chaos. Understanding the thought process of the adversary is an essential requirement in this job. The ethical hacker needs to act, not react. They need to close all potential avenues for unauthorised access and anticipate these criminals’ moves to counter them effectively.
Thinking outside the box requires tireless experimentation, abandoning the conventional wisdom, and taking the routes less tread. This is the key to success in ethical hacking.
5. An Unquenchable Thirst for Knowledge
Ethical hackers love a challenge. They follow the latest advancements in IT with religious zeal. They never stop learning because they understand this field is ever-evolving. New technologies, tools, and innovative programming techniques are introduced every day. To gain a deeper understanding, the ethical hacker needs a and the ability to profit from that knowledge.