Cyber threats are a growing risk to businesses today, with cyber threats occurring at alarming rates by the minute across the world every day. If Amazon were to go down for one hour as a result of a cyber threat, millions would be lost. This lost revenue has the potential for some exponential ramifications if in that one hour, loyal Amazon customers cancel their Prime membership and decide never to return because their personal information or data privacy had been compromised.
Cyber threats are real, and among the greatest challenges to the operations of businesses all over the world today.
When you are developing your own cyber threat loss prevention strategy for your business, you’ll need to learn what they are so your strategy can be comprehensive.
Learn the top five cyber threats facing businesses in 2023 here.
Remote and Hybrid Workers and Their Companies Face Cyber Threats
The remote workforce is here, and it is probably here to stay, as the digital world has made business from end-to-end of the planet encrypted and efficient. With this trend, safety and security has become paramount. Although the trend of remote work has evolved into a system where security protocols such as VPNS, secured networks, and ethernet cables are the norm, that doesn’t make every home office or device a secure entity.
Remote workers can be susceptible to cyber threats if they leave their devices unattended or unlocked, answer the wrong email, or forget to use a VPN at a critical time. These aren’t even real internal threats because many attacks occur as a result of human error. Develop a strong cyber security protocol with your teams before you sign the dotted lines for the equipment and remote contracts.
State-Sponsored Threats are Increasing At Alarming Rates
Cyber threats from other nations occur every day on businesses of every size. At least 34 countries have been suspected of engaging in cyber attacks, with the top four countries responsible being Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia. These attacks have the motivation of using cyber campaigns for nefarious means and purposes in order to gather information. This information is used to harm the people of that nation, and those threats can hit businesses for that data any time.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning May Have Security Risks
Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become the trendy buzzwords in cyber today, some of the biggest experts in the world here have some doubts.
Elon Musk for example has frequently touted the risks of AI, and although controversial, there is something to the theory here. An autonomous weapon for example when used the wrong way can hurt and harm masses.
Tools such as these may be used right when in the right hands, but these weapons are known to be at risk for falling into the wrong hands. Many of the things that are operated by AI and machine learning have this risk. The threats of AI are difficult to predict, but the risks are real. From tools being powered for the wrong purposes, or social manipulation occurring with AI technology, risks from AI are real and need to be recognized as a potential threat. Be sure that your business is examining every corner of this.
Cyber Threats to IoT Expose Vulnerabilities
The term IoT refers to the Internet of Things, and IoT security relates to the security of these things, which includes the security of cameras, controllers, sensors, or even any device or application that requires firmware. The IoT is a network of physical items, so this isn’t going to be operating system security by any means. When any of your IoT are at risk, the vulnerabilities to your business will be immediately exposed.
For your company, you want IoT security that includes the security of devices to prevent operating system or firmware tampering, and this prevents data loss, data theft, or data corruption.
You also need to make sure that your network connections are all secure, and that you aren’t using any open-source firmware.
Reduced Network Security is Now a Sign of Poor Service in Business
Network security in business means that you must have a reliable network at all times, and the connections must be secure as well. That includes both external and internal connections, and password-driven logins and entry points. It is too easy in this day and age to connect to a network that doesn’t have a lock and key on it, and every hacker is ever looking for those networks. You can improve the network security of your business with just a few simple changes to your network protocol.
A common tool of hackers, for example, is to install devices on the networks of businesses that can track and break into the network to access confidential information or files. All it takes is one password hack to put the entire network at risk. Today, there are hackers going to school just to become specialized password hackers.
The world has changed. Improve your network security to reduce your risk of cyber threats in 2023.
Reduce Cyber Threats in 2023
With the multitude of security threats businesses face, you’ll need to be prepared in 2023 to tackle these and stay ahead of bad actors.
Hopefully, you’ll now be armed with the knowledge you need to keep your business safe in the coming year.