AndroTickler v2.4 releases: Penetration testing and auditing toolkit for Android apps

A java tool that helps to pentest Android apps faster, more easily and more efficiently. AndroTickler offers many features of information gathering, static and dynamic checks that cover most of the aspects of Android apps pentesting. It also offers several features that pentesters need during their pentests. AndroTickler also integrates with Frida to provide method tracing and manipulation. It was previously published under the name of Tickler.
AndroTickler requires a Linux host and a rooted Android device connected to its USB port. The tool does not install anything on the Android device, it only creates a Tickler directory on /sdcard. AndroTickler depends on Android SDK to run commands on the device and copy app’s data to TicklerWorkspace directory on the host for further analysis. TicklerWorkspace is the working directory of AndroTickler and each app has a separate subdirectory in TicklerWorkspace which can contain the following (depending on user actions):
- DataDir directory: a copy of the data directory of the app
- extracted directory: Output of apktool on the app, contains smali code, resources, libraries…etc.
- bgSnapshots directory: Contains background snapshots copied from the device.
- images directory: contains any screenshots taken from the app.
- JavaCode directory: Contains app’s Java code decompiled by dex2jar and JD tools
- logs directory: contains log files produced by -t -log, as explained below
- transfers: files and directories copied from the device to the host using -copy2host
- AndroidManifest.xml: The manifest file of the app as per apktool
- base.apk: the APK file of the app, installed on the device
- debuggable.apk: a debuggable version of the app, produced by -dbg
libs directory and Tickler.conf configuration file exist in the same directory of the jar file. The configuration file sets the location of TicklerDir directory on the host and Tickler on /sdcard of the android device. If the configuration file does not exist or these 2 directories are not set, then default values will be used (Tickler_workspace on the current directory and /sdcard/Tickler respectively). Tickler_lib directory contains some Java libraries and external tools used by AndroTickler such as apktool and dex2jar.
AndroTickler highly depends on the following tools, so they should exist on your machine before using it:
- Java 7 or higher
- Android SDK tools (adb and friends)
- sqlite3
Other tools are required for some features, but AndroTickler can still run without them:
- Frida
- jarsigner
How to use it
- Build tool from code (git clone
- Move AndroTickler.jar is to the same directory as Tickler_lib directory and Tickler.conf file (automatically created in build/libs)
- Connect your Android device to the application-to-test installed on
The current version does the following:
Command help
java -jar AndroTickler.jar -h
Information gathering/Static analysis:
List installed Apps on the device:
java -jar AndroTickler.jar -pkgs
Searches for an app (package) installed on the device, whose package name contains the searchKey
java -jar AndroTickler.jar -findPkg <searchKey>
package without extra attributes
java -jar AndroTickler.jar -pkg <package> [other options]
Any command with a -pkg option (whether used with any of the following options or not), does the following actions if they have not been done before:
- Copies the app from the device
- Extracts the Manifest file of the app
- Decompiles the app to Java code using dex2jar and JD tools
General Info
java -jar AndroTickler.jar -pkg <package> -info
Returns the following information:
- App’s user ID
- App’s Directories path
- If the app’s code indicates usage of external storage
- App’s directories that already exist in External storage
- Content URIs in the code
- If the app is backable
- If the app is debuggable
- Data schemes (like iOS IPC)
- The permissions it uses
Code Squeezing
java -jar AndroTickler.jar -pkg <package> -squeeze [short | <codeLocation> ]
Fetches the following from the decompiled Java code of the app:
- Log messages
- Any indication of possible user credentials
- Java comments
- Used libs
- URLs in code
- Usage of shared preferences
- Usage of external storage
- Common components such as OkHttp and WebView
Unsurprisingly, its output is usually huge, so it is recommended to redirect the command’s output to a file
short Squeezes only the decompiled code that belongs to the developer. For example, if an app has a package name of com.notEnaf.myapp, then squeeze short squeezes only the code in com/notEnaf directory.
Squeezes the code only in codeLocation directory. Helpful to limit your search or squeeze the source code if available.
Copyright (C) 2017 ernw