ArchLabs Linux is a simple lightweight rolling releaseLinux distribution based on a minimal Arch Linux operating system with the Openboxwindow manager.
The Openbox ArchLabs Linux Distro inspired by BunsenLabs and powered by Arch Linux.
Inspired by Bunsenlabs, original ArchLabs members Matthew Dobson and Brett Stevens began to put together the foundations of ArchLabs in early January 2017 as an Arch Linux based alternative the the Debian based BunsenLabs. The first release was 24th January 2017.
By Dobbie03 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Highlights of ArchLabs:
- Minimal desktop environment
- Easy installation using ABIF
- Based on Arch Linux.
- Only a few basic apps pre-installed.
- Minimal themes
- Welcome Script to ease installing additional applications Window and Desktop Managers
- Available WM/DM’s include Openbox, XFCE4, i3, Bspwm, and Awesome
- Freely switch between panels and docks with ease
- Return of favorites Conky & Tint2
- ArchLabs Dark Openbox & GTK3/2 theme is set as the default theme
- The custom ArchLabs Iconset is the default icon theme
- ArchLabs Applications and scripts are included
- Default Applications: Thunar, Termite, Geany, Firefox, Audacious, MPV, Skippy-XD for window management
- Keyboard driven
The second release of ArchLabs Linux 2018, version 2018.05, was released in May, and the major change is the introduction of a few minor changes to enhance the user experience:
- LightDM has been completely removed, as a result, you will be auto-logged into your desktop. For those who prefer to use LightDM, you can reinstall this from AL-Hello. Openbox has been set as default but you can change this by editing your ~/.xinitrc and changing your session to your preferred WM/DE.
- All ArchLabs related packages have been refreshed. Jgmenu especially has had an update and is in fine form. We are really happy with jgmenu, it is developing into one of the best menu utilities out there for Linux.
- We have a new default wallpaper, created by Karl Schneider, considerable inspiration (as usual) comes from BunsenLabs and this time Manjaro and their new Openbox spin had an influence on the outcome as well.
- Neofetch has been removed and replaced with Al-Info, this can display an ASCII ArchLabs and your system information. Read more about AL-Info here.
- The depreciation of gksu has resulted in its removal from ArchLabs. Any applications requiring root will now make use of pkexec.
- We have switched to gnome-polkit and have also removed lx-session.
- We have switched the default theme to ArchLabs-Light and icons to ArchLabs-Dark.
- Al-Hello has had further tweaking and polishing.
- Minor changes, improvements, and bug-fixes to AL-Installer
- There were some more tweaks and improvements to the pipemenus as well, you can now install selected apps from the Obmenu.
- More…