ArcoLinux is an Arch Linux based distro that uses
- Arch Linux as a base
- elements from the AUR (applications from github, debian (deb), redhat (rpm), compressed files, etc…)
- ArcoLinux created elements (themes, icons, conky’s, tweaks and configs)
- Provide an operating system with all applications with personal theming installed but also bluetooth, printers, …
- After the installation no fuss and all fun.
- Provide a continuous stream of tutorials and knowledge on ArcoLinux.
- Easy setup. No technical knowledge.
- Low in cpu and memory consumption
- Provide all icons, themes, cursors, wallpapers, … out of the box.
- Provide Windows users a comfortable transition to the (Arch) Linux world.
- Blazing fast.
- Linux
- Arch Linux
- xfce
- openbox
- i3wm
- awesome
- budgie
- cinnamon
- gnome
- mate
- bspwm
ARCOLINUX 6.9.2 releases.
- No automount of volumes – installation issue raised on discord with computer contained 1ssd and 1 harddisk. Thunar – Preferences – Advanced – Volume Management
- Yay added to the packages list – evaluating this AUR helper – gives the ability to download missing keys!!
- No vmware resolution 1920×1080 set in order to avoid issues with some users with different resolution.
- Geopip locator in Calamares (second screen wordmap) works again thanks to support of the Calamares team.
- Updates for inxi, grub-customizer and pamac-aur with latest kernel