ASP.NET Core 2.0 officially supports the OData standard
Recently, the OData team announced on the Microsoft Developer Blog that ASP.NET Core 2.0 has officially supported the OData standard, and developers can now obtain the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData package through the package manager NuGet. This package contains everything you need to create an OData v4.0 endpoint and support the OData query syntax for the Web API when using ASP.NET Core MVC.
OData, dubbed the Open Data Protocol, is a standard that Microsoft introduced in 2007 to design and use RESTful APIs. The goal is that no matter which organisation builds the RESTful API, as long as it conforms to the OData standard, other organisations can use this API to get or modify resources as defined in the OData standard. Another benefit of standardisation is that the OData protocol can be implemented into a standard class library, through which the RESTful API can be created and accessed, reducing the developer’s workload.
The first three versions of OData 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 are all Microsoft open standards. The 4.0 version became an open industry standard after the OASIS vote on March 17, 2014. It is still used today, supports JSON, and XML-based CSDL. (Common Schema Definition Language).