Category: Technique


Understanding and Mitigating the Risks of Financial Malware

In an era where digital transactions are commonplace, the threat of financial malware has surged, posing significant risks to individuals and businesses alike. This malicious software is designed to steal financial infor7mation, hijack accounts,...

A Guide to Securing Your Data in the Cloud

Introduction  In today’s digital age, more and more data is moving to the cloud. From personal photos and contacts to critical business documents, the convenience of accessing information from anywhere is undeniable. However, this...

The Role of Observability in Microservice Security

Introduction Embracing microservices provides significant advantages for businesses and their development. They make applications more scalable, robust, and easy to maintain and update. However, with separate services operating on various hosts, managing dozens of...

CPA Affiliate Marketing with TerraLeads

Every year, more and more people become familiar with affiliate marketing. With its help, online sales can be boosted, and business revenue can significantly increase. In the United States alone, from 2017 to 2022,...