For online businesses operating on a global scale, effective cyber security has been a top priority for decades now. Modern cyber criminals today are well aware of how valuable sensitive data is and are constantly innovating to exploit the weak spots of businesses and commit their crimes.
As these attacks become more common, more sophisticated and more damaging for an enterprise’s reputation, it’s becoming abundantly clear that the security solutions of the past are no longer enough. Companies striving to survive in the digital age must do everything they can to plug potential weaknesses long before potential criminals or thieves can discover and exploit them.
While firewalls, closed corporate systems and modern antivirus solutions can help mitigate cyber security threats, they can only go so far. To keep up with and outsmart today’s cybercrime opportunists, enterprises now have to take a far more proactive approach. One of the most effective modern ways to do this involves partnering with exposure management experts to implement strong risk management systems.
Modern threats require proactive approaches
It seems that with each passing day, there’s been a new attack on a major business. Very recently, Fujitsu made headlines after a malware attack on its internal systems exposed sensitive customer information to hackers. While their response to the attack was reportedly swift, it wasn’t fast enough.
This example is just one of many illustrating the fact that large companies are not immune to leaks and breaches. It makes sense that, as a company grows, it’s possible for this growth to create vulnerabilities and openings for attacks. Even the smallest crack or blind spot in a company’s online defenses is now enough for a hacker with enough resources and time.
In order to avoid making news headlines and being forced to disclose breaches, companies across the globe are investing in heightened security measures. To help identify vulnerabilities before hackers might and proactively avoid the same fate as Fujitsu, exposure management can make all the difference.
Finding blind spots
Today, it’s not uncommon for companies to function on outdated software and have difficulty tracking all the connected devices on their systems. Lack of visibility and the use of legacy software can elevate a company’s risk of exposure. Human error also plays a role. Sometimes, all it takes is one weak password or cleverly-disguised phishing attempt to gain access into a private network.
Not all companies are the same, and this means that the vulnerabilities of each individual business might look different too. So, instead of simply listing the common cyber security blind spots, it’s more valuable to discuss why modern businesses would be wise to seek out assistance on how to go about finding and removing them.
Investing in exposure management
No business wants to be in the position where they have to disclose a data breach. But avoiding this reputation-ruining fate can be incredibly challenging without help. Proactively seeking out and strengthening weaknesses is the best way to keep sensitive data safe, but finding and plugging up security vulnerabilities and threats requires both expertise and time.
For these reasons, large companies are choosing to invest in the help of exposure management platforms and experts to ensure no weak points exist in their company systems. By outsourcing this work, companies free up more time to focus on growth and other pressing matters.
There are many advantages on offer for enterprises that take exposure management seriously. By making a proactive effort to understand where modern threats might be able to break into a system, a company can protect itself and greatly reduce the likelihood of a successful attack or data leak.
With clear insights regarding where an attack might come from, company decision-makers can make better choices concerning where to allocate resources. The smallest amendments to a system can make a huge difference. strong defenses will greatly discourage would-be attackers.
What exposure management systems offer
These platforms are worth partnering with because they have experience with identifying and addressing these cybersecurity blind spots in a wide range of contexts. Many offer automated tools to help keep track of connected devices and give internal security teams a fuller picture of their attack surface.
With a trusted exposure management partner, it becomes easier to answer questions surrounding just how exposed a company is to potential breaches and threats. With guidance from these platforms, it’s possible to keep third-party vendors and partners informed about what the latest phishing scams look like and knowledgeable about modern cybersecurity best practices.
Knowing where potential vulnerabilities exist can also aid in company security awareness training. As the number of hacks and mega breaches increase with the rise of artificial intelligence, many businesses consider their everyday employees to pose the largest security threats to a business. While this isn’t always the case, modern cybercriminals have been known to target employees instead of corporate systems because they can be easier to trick.
In summary
With a better understanding of what needs to be done to keep a company secure, business leaders and decision makers can remedy weaknesses before they have a chance to become a larger security issue. This is why exposure management is so vital for modern businesses. As cybersecurity threats evolve, the way businesses approach security must transform too in order to keep up and protect company data and assets.