There is no doubt that technology has helped businesses in many ways. All the benefits provided by IT technology for business initiation, growth, and sustainability is just remarkable. But this remarkability has also unapologetically brought some threats for the businesses – one of the biggest one being data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. The data of companies – their very own significant and confidential information about the business, employees, and customers – is not safe. And it’s not alright!
Since the discovery of the very first computer virus ‘The Creeper’ in the 1970s, things have only become worse. Many big companies like AOL, IBM, and Yahoo have become a victim of the cybersecurity attack and data breach, which means no one is safe from this devastating dilemma. According to a report, in 2019, the cost of the data breach will exceed $2.1 trillion, which is four times more than in 2015. These statistics are a wake-up call for the businesses!
Besides many other reasons, data breaches are also the cause of bad habits of the employees and co-workers. Here are given some tips to improve co-workers bad habits to improve cybersecurity:
Limit Data Access:
Many companies keep their files unprotected and readily accessible to anyone within the company – despite all the news about data breaches taking round on the internet. And nothing can be more welcoming for data theft then this carelessness.
It’s better to keep a check on who should be given access to sensitive data and who doesn’t need to know about every important information. In terms of data accessibility, less is better. You can show your trust to employees in some other ways, like by ensuring them that you believe in their abilities, but data access is not the right spot to show your trust. Limited exposure also helps businesses to manage the data security efficiently.
Focus on Training and Awareness:
Cybersecurity attacks have taken so many shapes that it has become difficult for companies to control things single-handedly. From the emergence of the very first computer virus to phishing emails, there is a deluge of data threats for companies. That’s why it’s essential for companies to focus on employee training and awareness – give them offline security tips to win online security battle. A single cybersecurity team can’t successfully wade through this deluge of threats; every single employee should put in the effort.
Companies should hire experts who use the latest training methods like real-world simulations that train employees to protect their and companies data from any kind of external threats. Security awareness is one of the effective tools that companies can use to fix employees bad habits and lessen data breach loopholes.
Robust Data Security Policy:
A robust data security plan and policy is another significant way of data protection. Every company should compile a list of security measures and policies which can curb the possibility of threats before their emergence. And each and every employee should be aware of the plan and policy so that they can identify their faults and rectify them to avoid any trouble.
Such policies and plans are also essential for guidance in case of an accident and the emergence of critical situations. You never know when things can go wrong, you should have a backup plan beforehand to handle such situations wisely and effectively.
If you have still not taken any measures to fix bad habits of employees and co-workers, despite all the buzz, then you might be the next in the line of a cyber disaster. You should search out what data breach costs business – financial loss, reputation loss, clients’ loss and ultimately, business loss. If you don’t want to become part of this devastated squad at ‘loss’, then you should start focusing on your employee awareness and training. It is as significant as developing your growth plans, marketing strategies, and increasing employee productivity.