DOGE: Darknet Osint Graph Explorer

Darknet Osint Graph


Darknet Osint Graph Explorer

Still in dev, works right.

You should use this in addition to Darknet OSINT Transform


git clone

Pay attention here

Query prototype: SELECT DISTINCT custom_column_name AS input, another_custom_name AS output FROM some_table, obviously you can add other options as to WHERE, ORDER BY, etc.


Database file: the filename of the database (sqlite3), ex: db.sqlite3

Graph file: useless (now as now)

Icon From: the type of the “from” entity (email -> domain, email is “from”, domain is “to”), so the same as Icon To

Center to node: put node id here, then click on Center Graph to center the graph to that specific node id

Query: write here the query that you’ll use to retrieve data from the database, follow the prototype above

Load Data: add data but don’t draw, you could use this to import stuff from various databases and when everything is imported, draw

Draw Graph: draws nodes with edges

Import Graph: useless (now as now)

Export Graph: useless (now as now)

Prerender: does not display the graph until the “pre-rendering” process is done, this should be used when you have to graph 100s of nodes, feel free to change parameters:

  • 1st argument, precomputeGraph(), in pages/graph_1.html;
  • in the same file, lines 246 and 247.

Copyright (C) 2018 pielco11
