If you own and operate an online store, chances are you spend most of your time trying to come up with ways to boost sales. Thanks to technology, there are a lot of extensions out there that are going to help improve the user-friendliness of your website, improve the customer experience, streamline payment, and increase sales. Whether you use Magento 2 extensions, or another program, below is an overview of the kinds of extensions out there to help generate sales for your online business.
Product Kits
These extensions help increase the order value by bundling products together. A lot of times these product kits will offer a discount for purchasing the items together.
Promotional banner extensions are a great idea because you can customize them for every page if you want to. You have the freedom to have the banners say what you want, you can alert customers about sales and promo discounts on every page so they are more likely to use the code and since they are getting a discount, they will be likely to add more items to their order. The banners are a great way to catch customer’s attention as well. Banners can be placed anywhere on the page and you can decide how long you want each banner template to show for.
Rewards Points
Who doesn’t love rewards? The rewards system encourages customers to spend more because there is an incentive. They know the more they spend, the more rewards they will earn for their next purchase. Reward points are a win-win for store owners because it encourages the customer to spend more and to return for another shopping trip at your website.
Gift Registry
In today’s age, customers are used to being able to find what they want with the click of a button online. Gone are the days of going to a physical store and scanning the barcode of every single item you want to place on your wedding or baby registry. Now, customers can simply browse their favorite websites and create a registry from the comfort of their own home. Gift registries are a great tool to increase sales to your website because the customer creating the registry isn’t spending their own money so they will have fewer hesitations when adding pricy items. People buying the items will also have a more flexible budget because they are purchasing bigger ticket items for their loved one’s momentous occasions.
Automatic Related Products
This extension is great for boosting sales because customers can often forget some things they were looking for or interested in buying. Just as an in-store salesperson is there to give them a push or hint about complementary goods, Magento 2 related products can give that push virtually.
Product recommendations are a personal touch that can often be left out in virtual shopping. These recommendations make the online shopping experience more personal and can show that you really care about their individual likes and needs.
As you can see, there are a lot of extensions available to boost business for your online store. There are more available but the above list is what we think will be the most beneficial and easy to help increase your online profits. The extensions are available for Magento 2 or any other platform you choose.