For many companies, the transition to digital working practices has been a steady process that has taken several years to fully complete. Commonly, it starts with an organization moving away from a paper-based system of working, and transferring the storage of documents and information onto digital folders. This allows a company to be able to access information quickly and efficiently without needing to physically store information in dedicated rooms or storage areas. However, this is only the first phase of the digitalization process and there are several other ways to realize and achieve a fully digital workplace.
Most companies are already into the later stages of their digital transformation and have decided to switch local servers and storage solutions in favor of cloud-based systems.
In this article some of the key ways that will prepare your organization to make the switch to a fully digital enterprise will be discussed and explored. The assumption is that your workplace is either at the first stages of its digital transformation or it has yet to make the move to a digital working culture.
Prepare staff for the transition
Firstly, staff should be prepared for the move to a digital workplace and should have a clear understanding of what that entails. Some staff are more accepting of change than others and it is important to recognize that older staff members (or those who have worked in a non-digital culture for many years) may be apprehensive about the changes that are needed to working practices. You can read more information on how to prepare staff for significant changes in the workplace by clicking here. Clear communication is vital at this stage, along with the ability to take questions from staff and teams and provide comprehensive answers.
Use leading cloud solutions
Cloud computing and storage is a key part of making the transition to a digital workplace. These systems allow far easier access to applications and software packages whilst being able to support remote ands hybrid models of working effectively.
Today, many companies that seek to simplify the transition to digital working methods choose an all-in-one cloud platform such as IFS Cloud. This type of cloud solution can control and support multiple applications from many different teams and directorates.
Using a complete cloud solution is popular with companies who are seeking to streamline their operations and simplify the process of going digital. There is still a requirement to have a skilled IT team who can undertake this part of the digital transformation; however, the latest complete cloud solutions tend to be extremely user-friendly and may not require advanced coding knowledge and senior-level IT skills to roll them out.
Invite feedback from all stakeholders
During the rollout of the organization’s digital strategy and after its full implementation, it is important to seek feedback from all stakeholders in the company. Even this process can be digitized by sending out links to an online staff survey tool via the company email system.
It is important to ascertain what has gone well and where improvements can be made during the transformation so that lessons can be learned for future digital rollouts. This feedback should be collated and analyzed so that it can be summarized into actionable insights.