Let’s get one thing clear: there are lots of videos on YouTube and a lot of channels simply just go through the motions.
They crank out one video after another, they buy Youtube video views from BuzzVoice or other sites, and they call it a day. They feel that they just have to stick to one schedule and if they have enough content, somehow, someway, things will work out and Google will send them a fat Adsense check.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that this doesn’t happen. It does happen quite a bit. But here’s the problem. Your channel is living far below its fullest potential if you just keep cranking out the same pieces of content or you talk about the same topics week after week. It’s not enough that you’ve decided to buy Youtube video views to attract an organic following.
Eventually, it will get so old that your videos simply don’t get viewed as much. People wouldn’t engage with it as much as previously.
To get out of this situation, you only need to focus on exciting your channel viewers. How do you do this? Well, the first thing that you would do is to make sure that you have enough engagement. You can buy YouTube views, likes, and comments from reputable social signal sellers or vendors of YouTube views. But that’s just the first step.
You should also take matters into your own hands. You should look at what other channels in your niche are doing. Pay attention to what generates a lot of controversies.
Now, the next step is where you need to be careful. When you create a video around a controversial topic or sub-topic, don’t jump in with both feet. Don’t come up with a video that is supposed to be the definitive guide to that controversial topic. Because this might blow up in your face. It might be too much to handle. It might be such a hot potato that it’s just not worth your time, effort, and energy.
Instead, tease around it. You know, basically, your video tells your audience that you know there are certain controversies and this is your conservative take on it. You’re not going to devote that whole video to that controversial topic.
The next step is to pay attention to comments. It should be quite clear to you why you’re doing this. If it isn’t, let me spell it out: controversy sells. Provocative content has a way to get people talking. So pay close attention to your comments and see if they are actually talking.
If they are talking, are they giving you enough ideas as to how to craft this content so you can give them materials that they’re comfortable with? If you’re able to do this, you will be able to direct and control the conversation in such a way that you will be able to produce videos that will get a lot of traction.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that any publicity is good publicity. Wrong. There are lots of controversial videos on YouTube. And guess what? People are so offended by them that those channels get shut down. You don’t want to be one of those channels, believe me.
Keep track of your Youtube and Instagram videos, it is often the case that your existing fans are telling you how to leave a solid social media marketing mark. You just need to listen and give them the content they are looking for.