Livepatch is comming in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, no need to restart after installing Linux Kernel

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

The upcoming Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) operating system will introduce new features to facilitate the use of Canonical’s Livepatch service. The service first appeared in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) and can deploy Linux kernel updates without restarting Ubuntu devices.

This means we can keep the computer safe at the kernel level without affecting uptime or the production environment. In addition, real-time patching is very fast, and most kernel fixes can be applied in seconds without any interruption.

This feature is mainly used in Ubuntu server versions, but it can also be used in desktop versions. On Linux servers, there are huge benefits to patching the kernel in real time. It reduces downtime and maintenance costs while improving overall security and service reliability.

During the default Ubuntu 18.04 update installation, the Livepatch service has been integrated into the Update tab of the Software & Updates tool. However, if the user wants to use this service, they need to click the “Sign In” button to create an Ubuntu SSO (Single Sign-On) account and log in.

Source, Image: Softpedia