Use this quick guide to figure out what’s going wrong with your security check. If you need more details on how to fix kernel security check failure, click the link to get step-by-step instructions.
Before you jump away, you might find it helpful to figure out the most likely quick fixes first.
1. System Updates
Sometimes the reason for a security check has nothing to do with security at all. Failing to update your system can cause bugs to appear throughout your software, as previous apps are closed down. This is why you should press “update” whenever the system suggests it to you. If you are able to launch an update, do so first, as it could clear all of your problems.
Sometimes a security check failure will prevent you from forcing an update, so if it isn’t possible, move on to the next step.
2. Scan For Bugs
In the same vein as updates, surfing on the internet can cause bugs and viruses to infect your computer. To combat this, you should have a security system installed. One should come with your computer, but you can always use a private source to help you out.
To get rid of any bugs breaking your software, use the security software to scan for bugs. They should even find and eliminate the problem area or give you a clean bill of health. No bugs to be seen? Move on to the next step.
3. Driver Updates
Driver updates are different to system updates as they include hardware. Other than that, the method stays the same. If you haven’t updated your hardware, it could be malfunctioning and causing knock-on effects.
4. Physical Checks On Hard Disk Drives
If you are a hardware engineer or just a normal user, you will be able to see (through physical inspection) if your hard disk drives have been damaged or corrupted. Overheating is a major cause of hardware failures, so test for any hot spots and weak frames.
5. Clear Your Memory or RAM
The issue could be connected to the memory or RAM of your computer. The RAM is needed to store all of the important software which allows your computer to function. A bug check will not show the computer that something is missing, so if you look through the RAM and find that a key app has been removed, you may find the answer to your security failure.
Again you don’t need to be a software engineer to figure this out; instead, you should find a diagnostic key and look for anything that will give you the “best results” from a “clean up.”
6. Run As An Administrator
This is another form of checking that many people don’t know how to navigate. If you are one of these people, move on to the next step or use the detailed step-by-step guide in the link above.
If you are familiar with running the laptop as an administrator, then you will also know that the system should find and then repair any missing or broken data that it needs to function correctly.
7. System Restore
Restoring the system should be able to kick start your computer into action. It will go into recovery mode and remove any data that wasn’t part of the original software design. This is the last resort, as all of your personal data could be removed in the process. This means your word documents, your games, and everything will be dumped.
If any do survive, it could be corrupted, illegible, or unable to open.
Ideally, you would only ever do a system restore when you wanted to give your computer to a new user, or it cannot function at all. If you can save your work to a new hard drive, do so before starting the process.
8. Reset Windows
Resting is the same as restoring but with one difference. Restoring will go back to the last safe point the computer can 100% recognize as uncorrupted. Resetting will not look for that last point.
Restoring could save some of your documents, but resetting will undoubtedly take it back to its factory settings.
9. Reinstall Windows 10
After all of that, if nothing is fixed, you should consider reinstalling Windows 10. The process is easy but time-consuming, and again you will lose most if not all of your personal drives in the process.
If you know which step you want to take but don’t know how to fix kernel security check failure, use the link to follow a more detailed method.