Total Registry v0.97.1 releases: enhanced Registry editor/viewer

Total Registry
Replacement for the Windows built-in Regedit.exe tool. Improvements over that tool include:
- Show real Registry (not just the standard one)
- Sort list view by any column
- Key icons for hives, inaccessible keys, and links
- Key details: last write time and number of keys/values
- Displays MUI and REG_EXPAND_SZ expanded values
- Full search (Find All / Ctrl+Shift+F)
- Enhanced hex editor for binary values
- Undo/redo
- Copy/paste of keys/values
- Optionally replace RegEdit
- Connect to remote Registry
- View open key handles
Changelog v0.97.1
- Minor release with some bug fixes and tweaks
Copyright (c) 2021 Pavel Yosifovich