The notorious Black Basta ransomware group is back, employing sophisticated social engineering tactics and deploying advanced malware...
Black Basta ransomware
In a recent investigation, Symantec’s Threat Hunter Team has identified evidence suggesting that the Black Basta ransomware...
Microsoft Threat Intelligence has uncovered a sophisticated ransomware campaign orchestrated by the cybercriminal group Storm-1811. This nefarious...
Rapid7 analysts have uncovered a new, highly targeted social engineering campaign potentially linked to the Black Basta...
TA577, a prolific cybercrime group responsible for past Qbot campaigns and associated with Black Basta ransomware attacks,...
In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, a new name has emerged with a notorious reputation –...
In a digital landscape where cyber threats are constantly evolving, Microsoft’s latest Threat Intelligence report, covering activity...