ReliaQuest revealed a concerning new collaboration between the Scattered Spider cybercriminal collective and the rising ransomware group...
In a recently uncovered report by Trend Micro, the notorious RansomHub ransomware group has been found to...
In a significant development tracked by ESET researchers, the threat actor known as CosmicBeetle has intensified its...
Prasarana Malaysia Berhad, the largest public transportation operator in Malaysia, has confirmed reports of unauthorized access to...
Sophos researchers have discovered a new threat: EDRKillShifter, a sophisticated tool designed to dismantle endpoint detection and...
A new ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) called RansomHub has emerged, targeting Windows, Linux, and ESXi operating systems. This multi-OS...
A new ransomware threat, dubbed RansomHub, has rapidly ascended to become one of the most prolific ransomware...