Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) can help businesses and organizations to collect data about current and potential cyber-attacks. If you’re worried about cyber attacks then it’s something that you should look into seriously. Below are the benefits of CTI.
It can help you to avoid data breach
The most obvious benefit of cyber threat intelligence is that it can help your company to avoid a data breach. It’s actually a preventive measure. And as they say, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. So instead of looking at ways on how to fix a data breach when it happens, you should focus instead on how to prevent it. And CTI is the best way to prevent it. With CTI, you’ll be able to block and prevent IP addresses from stealing your data. Without CTI, you’re like a sitting duck to hackers. They can simply flood your network with fake traffic. They’ll be easily able to do a denial of service attack or DDoS. And when they do so, they can cause a lot of damage to your company.
It can help you save money
You can save money with cyber threat intelligence. If you get hit by a data breach, then it can cost you millions of dollars. And if you’re not quick enough to respond to the data breach, then you’re bound to lose more money. This is because it involves dealing with things such as lawsuits, fees, fines, and restoration costs. There are companies that have lost hundreds of millions of dollars because of data breaches. Cyber threat intelligence can save your business from being a victim of a costly data breach. And in the process, it can help you to save money. Of course, you need to invest in CTI but it’s going to be worth it.
It can make your security team more efficient
Your business is exposed to different online threats every day. For sure, your security team can use a hand. CTI can help them identify new security threats to your business. The task left for your security team is to determine if the threat is real or not. CTI can also help your security team to know the threats that they need to address right away. This means that they can focus on actual security threats rather than waste their time identifying threats. if your security becomes more efficient, then their workload will naturally become lighter.
You’ll benefit from collaborative knowledge
With CTI, you’ll feel that you’re not alone in your efforts to fight cyber threats. You’ll gain access to useful information and practices that can help protect your business. What you need to know is that companies with CTI actually depend on the government for information on new cyber threats. And then they share this information with other organizations. So there’s a sharing of knowledge that is happening and it benefits everyone involved. With CTI, you’ll be able to participate in this sharing of collaborative knowledge where you can receive assistance and also provide help when needed.