First released in 2002, Arch Linux is a Linux distribution for i686 and x86-64 computer architectures. Its design focuses on simplicity, security, and efficiency. Unlike other operating systems that use discrete versions, Arch Linux updates on a rolling release model, offering continuous, incremental upgrades to keep the system up-to-date.
Below are Top things to do after installing Arch Linux.
Add user
useradd -m hans passwd hans
Configure sudo
pacman -S sudo
Edit /etc/sudoers file, add the following command:
hans ALL=(ALL) ALL
Here we must note that by the default we do not have permission to modify sudoers the file, you need to modify file permissions, but remember to restore After modifying permissions:
chown -c root:root /etc/sudoers chmod -c 0440 /etc/sudoers
Configure the terminal
As Skip Arch from Ubuntu / Mint users has become accustomed to using shortcut keys Ctrl + Alt + T to call up the terminal. So in the Settings -> Keyboard -> Custom shortcuts to increase the shortcut keys:
Name:Terminal Command:gnome-terminal Hot key:Ctrl + Alt + T
About the terminal, I still prefer to use zsh:
pacman -S zsh # installing oh-my-zsh sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" # or sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
install net-tools:
pacman -S net-tools
If you always wrong Arch time, so it is necessary to synchronize the next time:
# Start the service timedatectl set-ntp true # Check the service status timedatectl status
The first thing, update the source:
pacman -Sy
yaourt -S gedit yaourt -S vim yaourt -S visual-studio-code
pacman -Sy ibus-rime
yaourt -S firefox chromium flashplugin
compressing software
yaourt -S p7zip yaourt -S file-roller
yaourt -S openssh
yaourt -S smplayer yaourt -S rhythmbox yaourt -S netease-cloud-music
Download tools
yaourt -S wget yaourt -S curl yaourt -S aria2 yaourt -S filezilla
Mail and subscriptions
pacman -S thunderbird pacman -S quiterss
Office Software
yaourt -S libreoffice-fresh yaourt -S zathura
All kinds of environment
yaourt -S gcc yaourt -S g++ yaourt -S nodejs yaourt -S ruby ### Oracle Java wget -O Java-latest tar -zxvf Java-latest sudo cp -pr jre1.8.0_60 /opt ln -s /opt/jre1.8.0_60/bin/java /usr/bin/java java -version
Other tools
pacman -S keepass pacman -S docky pacman -S Shutter
Install Wine
I note the 64-bit system is required to enable multilib warehouse to install Wine, edit /etc/pacman.conf, remove the following comments:
[multilib] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Update the package list and upgrading the system sudo pacman -Syu, and then start the installation Wine:
sudo pacman -S wine sudo pacman -S winetricks sudo pacman -S wine-mono sudo pacman -S wine_gecko