WiFi-Pumpkin v0.8.8 Beta released, Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack


WiFi-Pumpkin – Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack

The WiFi-Pumpkin is a rogue AP framework to easily create these fake networks, all while forwarding legitimate traffic to and from the unsuspecting target. It comes stuffed with features, including rogue Wi-Fi access points, deauth attacks on client APs, a probe request and credentials monitor, transparent proxy, Windows update attack, phishing manager, ARP Poisoning, DNS Spoofing, Pumpkin-Proxy, and image capture on the fly. moreover, the WiFi-Pumpkin is a very complete framework for auditing Wi-Fi security check the list of features is quite broad.


  • Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point
  • Deauth Attack Clients AP
  • Probe Request Monitor
  • DHCP Starvation Attack
  • Credentials Monitor
  • Transparent Proxy
  • Windows Update Attack
  • Phishing Manager
  • Partial Bypass HSTS protocol
  • Support beef hook
  • ARP Poison
  • DNS Spoof
  • Patch Binaries via MITM (BDF-Proxy)
  • LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner (Responder)
  • Pumpkin-Proxy (ProxyServer (mitmproxy API))
  • Capture images on the fly
  • TCP-Proxy (with scapy)
  • Moduled plugins and proxys
  • Wireless Mode support hostapd-mana/hostapd-karma attacks


Plugin Description
Dns2proxy This tools offer a different features for post-explotation once you change the DNS server to a Victim.
Sstrip2 Sslstrip is a MITM tool that implements Moxie Marlinspike’s SSL stripping attacks based version fork @LeonardoNve/@xtr4nge.
Sergio_proxy Sergio Proxy (a Super Effective Recorder of Gathered Inputs and Outputs) is an HTTP proxy that was written in Python for the Twisted framework.
BDFProxy Patch Binaries via MITM: BackdoorFactory + mitmProxy, bdfproxy-ng is a fork and review of the original BDFProxy @secretsquirrel.
Responder Responder an LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner. Author: Laurent Gaffie

Changelog v0.8.8 beta


  • added new moduled captive portal plugin


git clone https://github.com/P0cL4bs/WiFi-Pumpkin.git
cd WiFi-Pumpkin
./installer.sh –install


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