What crosses your mind when you think about coding? We bet that the most common answers would be “It is paying well” and “It is in high demand”. Both statements are true and can be called the main reasons why someone would want to master this craft. However, if we talk about coding for kids, those long-term perspectives seem to be slightly irrelevant.
Still, many parents are confident that learning to code early can be extremely beneficial for their children. Are they right? Let’s try to figure this out!
Why Teach Coding Early: Top 8 Reasons
Then why should students learn this skill early? Are there any actual reasons for young people to give up on their school and college studies (they can click this site and use the help from that writing service to maintain good performance) and start learning the basics of programming? In fact, there are quite a few benefits of mastering this skill and here are the top 8 of them:
- It Boosts Creativity
Coding can have plenty of space for creativity. Whether creating a website, app, or a game, it is still a very creative process. Therefore, learning to code really helps children unleash their creative potentials and learn to express themselves in a completely new way. That’s the first reason why students should acquire this skill.
- Such Specialists Are in Demand
Another big reason to encourage students to learn coding is that it will provide them with better perspectives for the future. In today’s world of rapid technological progress, the demand for Computer Science specialists is growing at a surprisingly fast pace. Companies all over the world are facing a shortage of programmers. Therefore, learning to code at an early age really boosts a student’s chances of being a demanded specialist in the future.
- It Boosts Persistence
What does persistence mean to you? It won’t be an exaggeration to say that it is one of those vital skills that will come in handy at all stages of your life. It is persistence that helps kids perform well in school and then in college, and it is it that keeps you moving forward in career or business. Now, guess what – coding helps improve persistence!
Mastering the art of coding is a challenge. Everyone who engages in it will likely face a whole bunch of failures and stumbling blocks. Eventually, through hard work and tackling problems, students learn to be persistent in everything they do.
- This Is a Job of the Future
Here is one more reason that proves the long-term benefits of learning how to code – while a big share of jobs that exist today are likely to disappear in the future, jobs in Computer Science are predicted to still be there.
- It Boosts Problem-Solving
When someone is learning to code, he or she needs to take down a big and complex problem into smaller pieces to tackle it step by step. This boosts your problem-solving ability, which is another highly desirable life skill.
- This Skill Is Your Advantage
Programming is one of those high-demanded hot skills. Therefore, if you possess it, you have an edge over those who don’t. This means that kids who acquire this skill early will have a competitive advantage when enrolling in university, applying for scholarships, internships, or even jobs.
- It Makes You a Team Player
Teamwork plays a vital work in our lives. All the way from school, to work, and home, being able to collaborate with others is a way to go! Learning to code has the potential to boost your teamwork ability. Often, in the course of education, students will be required to work on mutual projects. This way they boost communication skills and get used to playing in a team.
- It Is Fun
Although programming is generally thought of as something extremely complex and uncomprehensive, once you get started it turns out to be quite engaging and satisfying. Coding can be fun and that’s another reason why students should learn it!
The Bottom Line
With all the pros of learning to code early, it becomes very clear why students should engage in it. It is no longer a secret that jobs in computer sciences will play a huge role in tomorrow’s landscape. They are in high demand, they are well paid, and they expand your horizons as no other job can.
These and other reasons mentioned in this article prove that it makes sense to teach kids to code. However, just to give you one last tip, here is some more food for thought – learning how to code is great, but it doesn’t mean that you can neglect other things. Without a doubt, coding skills can take you far, but it is also vital to explore other directions as well.
Thus, apart from coding, it is important that students develop an array of other skills. If they do, they will get an edge in the future.
Author’s Bio: This post was created by Sandra Larson. Sandra is a professional academic writer, who helps students cope with their college work. Sandra is a qualified computer programmer with vast experience and, in this article, she shares her ideas on why students should learn to code.