Last month, Nougat surpassed Lollipop, which has been online for three years, to sit second in the Android camp. In Google’s latest version of the February release pie chart, Android 7.0/7.1 finally became the most widely used version of the Android system.
The Android 8.0 Oreo version finally expanded slightly to 0.8% this month after stagnating in January of this year. The Android 8.1 version currently accounts for 0.3% of the total and the overall share is finally over 1.0%. However, there is still a long way to go before the mainstream version Long time.
However, with Samsung as the representative of mobile phone manufacturers to complete system testing, I believe there will be more equipment to upgrade to Android Oreo system. Essential also said PH-1 will be upgraded to Android 8.1 system.
Android 7.0 version this month accounted for 22.3%, 7.1 accounted for 6.2%. These two versions accounted for 28.5%, surpassing Marshmallow to become the most used Android version.