The clandestine hacker collective known as Anonymous Sudan, previously engaged in cyber assaults against Microsoft, has now veered its efforts towards the European Investment Bank, leading to the unavailability of its two primary websites,, and
Situated in Luxembourg, the European Investment Bank functions as the investment institution of the European Union, jointly owned by the member states of the Union. This public financial and credit organization lends long-term financial support to underdeveloped regions within Europe.
The unanticipated cyber onslaught initiated by Anonymous Sudan against the European Investment Bank has resulted in the inaccessibility of its official domain names.
This cyber consortium had already announced its intent to target the European banking sector. The attack was, in fact, executed on June 19, 2023, at 19:06 UTC +8, and as of the time of this article’s publication, the assault persists unabated, with the Bank’s website remaining unreachable.
The European Investment Bank, through its official Twitter handle, confirmed the cyber attack and the resultant unavailability of its website, affirming that the issue is currently being addressed.
However, the implications of such attacks on the websites of institutions like these remain unclear, given that these websites primarily serve an informative purpose and do not interfere with actual operational systems. Thus, aside from its unavailability, the cyber attack has not disrupted the daily operations of the European Investment Bank.