apparatus v.0.1.8-alpha releases: A graphical security analysis tool for IoT networks


ASTo – Apparatus Software Tool

An IoT network security analysis tool and visualizer

ASTo is security analysis tool for IoT networks. It is developed to support the Apparatus security framework. ASTo is based on electron and cytoscape.js. The icons are provided by Google’s Material Design.

The application is in alpha stage. The focus now is to improve the core functionality of the application along with the introduction of additional features, in order to reach the beta stage.


  1. Graph-based visualization of IoT systems.
  2. Model IoT systems in design and implementation engineering phases.
  3. Automatic model transition between the two engineering phases.
  4. Model IoT system state.
  5. Automate implementation phase models generation using pcap-ng files.
  6. Perform model-based vulnerability identification through CVE databases.
  7. Generate automated model-based security insights.
  8. Attribute-based pattern identification.
  9. Search through graphs using a variety of options (concepts, modules, attributes).
  10. Togglable Light and Dark theme.

Changelog v.0.1.8-alpha (macOs only)

  1. upgrade to electron@4.0.4 to mitigate this vulnerability
  2. update dependencies
  3. Fix #147, a path related 🐛 on restoring settings
  4. Fix #146, now the Home button can used on any window of the app. Previously, if the user tried to load a graph and the hit cancel, the Home was unresponsive

To Use

To clone and run this repository you’ll need Git and Node.js installed on your computer. To download and install the app, type the following in your terminal:

# Clone this repository

git clone
# Go into the repository
cd apparatus
# Install dependencies
npm install
# to run the app
npm start


Because the app is still in prototype stage, it is best to keep up to date with the most recent commits. To do so, before starting the app, type:

# inside the apparatus directory

# update to latest
git pull




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