ASUS has been authorized by the CVE Program as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA), marking a significant step forward in the company’s mission to integrate security into product design while maintaining innovation across its diverse portfolio.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) program is a global collaborative initiative that identifies, defines, and catalogs publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities. CNAs play a vital role in this ecosystem by assigning CVE IDs to vulnerabilities within their scope and publishing detailed information about them.
ASUS’s recognition as a CNA reflects its ongoing commitment to cybersecurity and its proactive approach to embedding security into its product development process. The company has taken substantial strides in recent years, including the establishment of the ASUS Digital Security Center in 2022. This dedicated team addresses internal and external security concerns, focusing on incident response, awareness training, product security, and supply chain management.
“Cybersecurity is an ongoing battle that requires constant vigilance and a collective effort,” said Robert Chin, ASUS Chief Information Security Officer. “We are honored to be a CVE Numbering Authority, which allows us to assign CVE IDs to vulnerabilities in our products. This reinforces our commitment to top-tier security by ensuring timely identification and resolution of potential threats.”
As a CVE partner, ASUS is set to further fortify its security posture, create robust products and solutions for its customers, and contribute to a more secure digital landscape for everyone.