According to securityweek media reports, the three largest banks in the Netherlands (ABN Amro, Rabobank and ING Bank) said on January 29 that their network systems were continuously subject to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in the past week, resulting in websites and Internet banking services paralysis.
The ABN Amro Bank suffered seven attacks last week (three on weekends), including a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack observed by security officers on Sunday night.
Rabobank Spokesman Margo van Wijgerden said on Monday that its network services business had slumped due to DDoS attacks on its network systems.
ING Bank said that during DDoS attacks, the availability of online banking was under tremendous pressure due to server overloading due to data traffic.
In addition, the Netherlands Inland Revenue Department suffered similar attacks, but its network services soon resumed its operation.
According to relevant media reports, some of the current network services of the three banks have been resumed normal operation, and their official commitments to customers’ banking details will not be harmed.
Source: SecurityWeek