Autopsy is a digital forensics platform and graphical interface to The Sleuth Kit® and other digital forensics tools. It can be used by law enforcement, military, and corporate examiners to investigate what happened on a computer. You can even use it to recover photos from your camera’s memory card.
Support for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit operating system, the same support for Linux and OSX (download the source code, compile their own).
- Multi-User Cases: Collaborate with fellow examiners on large cases.
- Timeline Analysis: Displays system events in a graphical interface to help identify activity.
- Keyword Search: Text extraction and index searched modules enable you to find files that mention specific terms and find regular expression patterns.
- Web Artifacts: Extracts web activity from common browsers to help identify user activity.
- Registry Analysis: Uses RegRipper to identify recently accessed documents and USB devices.
- LNK File Analysis: Identifies shortcuts and accessed documents
- Email Analysis: Parses MBOX format messages, such as Thunderbird.
- EXIF: Extracts geolocation and camera information from JPEG files.
- File Type Sorting: Group files by their type to find all images or documents.
- Media Playback: View videos and images in the application and not require an external viewer.
- Thumbnail viewer: Displays thumbnail of images to help quick view pictures.
- Robust File System Analysis: Support for common file systems, including NTFS, FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/ExFAT, HFS+, ISO9660 (CD-ROM), Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, Yaffs2, and UFS from The Sleuth Kit.
- Hash Set Filtering: Filter out known good files using NSRL and flag known bad files using custom hashsets in HashKeeper, md5sum, and EnCase formats.
- Tags: Tag files with arbitrary tag names, such as ‘bookmark’ or ‘suspicious’, and add comments.
- Unicode Strings Extraction: Extracts strings from unallocated space and unknown file types in many languages (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, etc.).
- File Type Detection based on signatures and extension mismatch detection.
- Interesting Files Module will flag files and folders based on name and path.
- Android Support: Extracts data from SMS, call logs, contacts, Tango, Words with Friends, and more.
Changelog 4.21
Library Updates
- Update Java to version 17
- Update aLeapp/iLeapp executables.
- Update JNA Version
- Update SQLite library version
- Updated 3rd party libraries that have known CVE’s
Ingest Module Updates:
- Recent Activity checks for malicious Chrome extensions from list provided by https://github.com/randomaccess3/detections
- Keyword Search module now can search without needing to index text into Solr.
- New Cyber Triage Malware Scanner module that uses Reversing Labs (requires license). https://www.cybertriage.com/autopsy-malware-module/
Add Data Source Updates:
- Timestamps for logical files can be added. Issue #5852, #1788
- List of logical files/folders can be edited before they are added. Issue #7347
GUI Updates:
- Add “has attachments” flag for emails. Issue #7358
- Add Score to tree view
- Fix path for lnk files
- Fix exporting of CSV files. Issue #6717
- Added File Repository concept for data source files that are in a central location. Required for Cyber Triage import feature.
- Added Spanish language support, contributor https://github.com/AburtoArielPM
Copyright © 2003-2017 Brian Carrier
Source: https://github.com/sleuthkit/