autoPwn is a lofty name for a simple script. When working with fuzzing and afl-fuzz, I noticed that I would do the same tasks over and over. With this in mind, I wanted to create a script that would accomplish the following:
- Automate and simplify the task of starting the fuzzer through smart prompts
- Automate and simplify the task of restarting the fuzzer through a config file
- Fully automate the process of afl queue minimizations
- Fully automate the process of extracting and minimizing all possible exploitable paths
- Fully automate the process of extracting and minimizing all possible paths in general.
- Fully or partially automate the generation of initial path values.
So far, the script is able to the first 5. Part 6 is speculative and attempting development right now. It would leverage the angr symbolic execution engine to create possible initial paths. At that point, the script could theoretically fully automate simplefuzzing tasks.