HackerOne: login, then grab the __Host-session cookie
Bugcrowd: login, then grab the _crowdcontrol_session cookie
Intigriti: login, then intercept a request to api.intigriti.com and look for the Authentication: Bearer ABC header. ABC is your token
$ bbscope h1 --help
-b, --bbpOnly Only fetch programs offering monetary rewards
-c, --categories string Scope categories, comma separated (Available: all, url, cidr, mobile, android, apple, other, hardware, code, executable) (default "all")
-d, --descToo Also print the scope description (some URLs might be here)
-h, --help help for h1
-l, --list List programs instead of grabbing their scope
--noToken Don't use a session token (aka public programs only)
--proxy string HTTP Proxy (Useful for debugging. Example:
-p, --pvtOnly Only fetch data from private programs
-t, --token string HackerOne session token (__Host-session cookie)
-u, --urlsToo Also print the program URL (on each line)
$ bbscope bc --help
-b, --bbpOnly Only fetch programs offering monetary rewards
-c, --categories string Scope categories, comma separated (Available: all, url, api, mobile, android, apple, other, hardware) (default "all")
--concurrency int Concurrency (default 2)
-h, --help help for bc
-l, --list List programs instead of grabbing their scope
--proxy string HTTP Proxy (Useful for debugging. Example:
-p, --pvtOnly Only fetch data from private programs
-t, --token string Bugcrowd session token (_crowdcontrol_session cookie)
-u, --urlsToo Also print the program URL (on each line)
$ bbscope it --help
-b, --bbpOnly Only fetch programs offering monetary rewards
-c, --categories string Scope categories, comma separated (Available: all, url, cidr, mobile, android, apple, device, other) (default "all")
-h, --help help for it
-l, --list List programs instead of grabbing their scope
--proxy string HTTP Proxy (Useful for debugging. Example:
-p, --pvtOnly Only fetch data from private programs
-t, --token string Intigriti Authentication Bearer Token (From api.intigriti.com)
-u, --urlsToo Also print the program URL (on each line)
Beware of scope oddities
In an ideal world, all programs use the in-scope table, in the same way, to clearly show what’s in scope, and make parsing easy. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.
Sometimes assets are assigned the wrong category. For example, if you’re going after URLs using the -c url, double-checking using -c all is often a good idea.
Other times, on HackerOne, you will find targets written in the scope description, instead of in the scope title. A few programs that do this are:
If you want to grep those URLs as well, you MUST use the –descToo flag.
Sometimes it gets even stranger: Spotify uses titles of the in-scope table to list wildcards, but then lists the actually in-scope subdomains in the target’s description.
Human minds are weird and this tool does not attempt to parse nonsense, you’ll have to do that manually (or bother people that can make this change, maybe?).