Various BIOS Utilities for Modding/Research
Dell HDR Module Extractor
Extracts and unpacks the SPI/BIOS modules from Dell HDR executables. After extraction, the HDR image is automatically unpacked into individual SPI/BIOS modules via LongSoft’s PFSExtractor-RS tool.
AMI BIOS Guard Extractor
Parses AMI BIOS Guard (a.k.a. PFAT) images and extracts a proper SPI/BIOS image.
Apple EFI Sucatalog Link Grabber
Parses Apple Software Update CatalogURL .sucatalog files and saves all EFI firmware package links into a text file. It removes any xml formatting, ignores false positives, removes duplicate links and sorts them in alphabetical order for easy comparison afterwards.
Apple EFI File Renamer
Parses Apple EFI files and renames them based on Intel’s official $IBIOSI$ tag as follows: Model_Version_Build_Year_Month_Day_Hour_Minute_Checksum. The checksum is calculated and added by the utility in order to differentiate any EFI files with the same $IBIOSI$ tag. In rare cases in which the $IBIOSI$ tag is compressed, the utility automatically first uses LongSoft’s UEFIFind and UEFIExtract tools.
Apple EFI IM4P Splitter
Parses Apple multiple EFI firmware .im4p files and splits all detected EFI firmware into separate SPI/BIOS images.
Panasonic BIOS Update Extractor
Parses Panasonic BIOS Update executables and extracts their SPI/BIOS image. The utility automatically uses Rustam Abdullaev’s unpack_lznt1 tool in order to decompress the initially Microsoft LZNT1 compressed resource data.
Award BIOS Module Extractor
Parses Award BIOS images and extracts their modules. The utility automatically uses Igor Pavlov’s 7-Zip tool in order to decompress the initially LZH compressed sub-modules.
Apple EFI Package Grabber v2.0
- Parses user-provided (DB) list of Apple Software Update CatalogURL .sucatalog links and saves all newer (since last run) EFI firmware package links into a text file. It removes any xml formatting, ignores false positives, removes duplicate links and sorts them in alphabetical order for easy comparison afterwards.
Anti-Virus False Positives
Some Anti-Virus software may claim that the built/frozen/compiled executable contains viruses. Any such detections are false positives, usually of PyInstaller. You can switch to better Anti-Virus software, report the false positive to their support, add the executable to the exclusions, build/freeze/compile yourself or use the Python script directly.
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