hakrawler What is it? hakrawler is a Go web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints...
WebApp PenTest
wsltools – Web Scan Lazy Tools wsltools is an elegant and simple Web Scan auxiliary library for...
Attacking and Auditing Docker Containers and Kubernetes Clusters An organization using microservices or any other distributed architecture...
RedRabbit RedRabbit is a PowerShell script aimed at helping pentesters conduct ethical hacking #RedTeam. The aim is...
Klar Integration of Clair and Docker Registry (supports both Clair API v1 and v3) Klar is a...
ParamSpider: Parameter miner for humans ParamSpider allows you to fetch URLs related to any domain or a...
FinDOM-XSS FinDOM-XSS is a tool that allows you to find possible and/ potential DOM-based XSS vulnerability in...
GitHound GitHound pinpoints exposed API keys on GitHub using pattern matching, commit history searching, and a unique...
Stardox Stardox is an advanced github stargazer information gathering tool. It scraps Github for information and displays...
Katana-ds Katana-ds (ds for dork_scanner) is a simple python tool that automates Google Hacking/Dorking and supports Tor...
Richkit Richkit is a python3 package that provides tools taking a domain name as input and returns...
MSSQLi-DUET – MSSQL Injection-based Domain User Enumeration Tool SQL injection script for MSSQL that extracts domain users...
Natlas should make continuous, extensible, host-oriented scanning an easy thing to deploy and make use of. Users...
exploit-workshop In this step by step workshop, you’ll learn how to exploit various real-world vulnerabilities existing in...
Opal Stealth post-exploitation framework for WordPress CMS What is it and why was it made? We intentionally...