According to foreign media The Verge reports, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in a video and television event hosted by MSNBC and Recode that artificial intelligence is the most far-reaching thing being studied by mankind First, that its importance can be comparable with the infrastructure.
In an interview with Kara Swisher of Recode and MSNBC’s Ari Melber, Pichai said artificial intelligence is “one of the most important things humans are working hard to develop and I do not know if it is more meaningful than electricity and fire.” He added Said that people learn to use the benefits of fire for humanity, but also need to overcome its shortcomings.
Pichai also said artificial intelligence could be used to help tackle climate change or cure cancer.
The remarks from Google’s CEO are largely regarded as one of the world leaders in the development of artificial intelligence. Swisher then repeatedly asked Artificial Intelligence for its impact on employment, noting that Silicon Valley often has a “shiny, happy future” of disruptive technology.
Pichai admits that people have the rights to care, but still need to embrace technological progress. “History shows that countries that leave often do not get the chance, so you have to change.”
Interview with Pichai and YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki will be broadcast on MSNBC on January 26 at 10 PM.
Source: theverge