CIS Docker Benchmark – InSpec Profile
This InSpec compliance profile implements the CIS Docker 1.13.0 Benchmark in an automated way to provide security best-practice tests around Docker daemon and containers in a production environment.
InSpec is an open-source run-time framework and rule language used to specify compliance, security, and policy requirements for testing any node in your infrastructure.
We use a yml attribute file to steer the configuration, the following options are available:
- trusted_user: vagrant defines trusted user to control Docker daemon.
- authorization_plugin: authz-broker define authorization plugin to manage access to Docker daemon.
- log_driver: syslog define preferable way to store logs.
- log_opts: /syslog-address/ define Docker daemon log-opts.
- registry_cert_path: /etc/docker/certs.d directory contains various Docker registry directories.
- registry_name: /etc/docker/certs.d/registry_hostname:port directory contain certificate certain Docker registry.
- registry_ca_file: /etc/docker/certs.d/registry_hostname:port/ca.crt certificate file for a certain Docker registry certificate files.
- container_user: vagrant define user within containers.
- app_armor_profile: docker-default define apparmor profile for Docker containers.
- selinux_profile: /label\:level\:s0-s0\:c1023/ define SELinux profile for Docker containers.
- container_capadd: null define needed capabilities for containers. example: container_capadd: NET_ADMIN,SYS_ADMIN
- managable_container_number: 25 keep number of containers on a host to a manageable total.
- daemon_tlscacert : /etc/docker/ssl/ca.pem configure the Trust certs.
- daemon_tlscert: /etc/docker/ssl/server_cert.pem configure the server certificate.
- daemon_tlskey: /etc/docker/ssl/server_key.pem configure the server key.
- swarm_mode: inactive configure the swarm mode.
- swarm_max_manager_nodes: 3 configure the maximum number of swarm leaders.
- swarm_port: 2377 configure the swarm port.
- benchmark_version to execute also the old controls from previous benchmarks, e.g. set it to 1.12.0 to execute also the tests from cis-benchmark-1.12.0
Changelog v2.1.3
Merged pull requests:
- use input instead of attribute #74 (micheelengronne)
- update release workflow to match other projects #71 (schurzi)
- Missing words “certificate authority.” #70 (adamoutler)
Download && Use
- Author:: Patrick Muench
- Author:: Christoph Hartmann