Intel processor security breach continues, Intel CEO has said that “all products such as mobile phones” will be affected. The latest security updates released by ARM indicate that some iPhone, iPad, iPod and Apple TVs may be affected. The ARM Processor Security Update lists a list of vulnerable processors, including Cortex-A8, Cortex-A9, and Cortex-A15.
Although Apple custom A-series chips, these are based on the ARM architecture. Some A-Series chips include some elements of the Cortex-A8, -A9, and -A15 processors and are therefore vulnerable.
The A4 chip includes the Cortex-A8 processor and is used in the first-generation iPad, iPhone 4, fourth-generation iPod Touch and second-generation Apple TV. A5 and A5X chips include a dual-core Cortex-A9 processor. A5 for iPad 2, first-generation iPad mini, iPhone 4S, third generation Apple TV and fifth-generation iPod Touch. A5X used in the third-generation iPad. A6 with Cortex-A15 some of the elements used in the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C.
Apple devices that may be affected are as follows:
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 4S
- iPhone 5
- iPhone 5C
- iPad (1st gen)
- iPad 2
- iPad (3rd gen)
- Apple TV (2nd gen)
- Apple TV (3rd gen)
- iPod Touch (4th gen)
- iPod Touch (5th gen)
Although ARM said some iOS devices and Apple TVs may be affected, it said the probability of being used is very low.
Reference: Softpedia