Emora allows you to search for accounts by username across social networks. Inspired by tools like Sherlock, Emora provides a user-friendly graphical interface to ease the usage and navigation through the results.
- Intuitive User Interface: Emora offers a user-friendly graphical interface, making search and result exploration more accessible.
- Search Across Multiple Sites: The tool queries a variety of popular websites to determine if the specified username is being used.
- Frequently updated: Emora is a brand new open source project, and will be updated regularly!
Q: When I try to open the software, a message saying “This app can’t run on your PC” appears.
A: The compiled version of the project only supports 64-bit computers, but you can still try to build it from the source.
Q: Antivirus flags your files
A: I don’t have the money to pay for a 3yr Digicert Certificate to sign all of my Windows binaries, even if I did, would it be a waste? (EXEs are currently unsigned)