According to foreign media reports, after a number of giant companies from the technology industry began to address the recent leaks of the two CPU leaks, now the game company Epic Games also began to talk about the incident openly. The company just released a chart of CPU utilization after its backend service received a Meltdown bug fix.
The chart shows that after a patch, CPU usage has increased by about 20%. Epic Games is also using this chart to publicly explain the log-in and stability issues that Fortress Night suffered earlier.
Epic Games spokesman said all of their cloud services are affected by the Meltdown loopholes, which also means they have to experience the problems that arise as they rely heavily on cloud services. The company said new problems will likely emerge in the coming week as they have teamed up with cloud service providers to address and prevent more problems.
As for Intel, the firmware update has already been started. The Meltdown and Specter vulnerabilities affect virtually every device manufactured over the past 20 years, and attackers will be able to access the memory they are attacking by running JavaScript code in their browser. Currently, cloud platforms face the greatest risk because a large number of users are sharing a single CPU, which will definitely result in a large number of users being implicated once they are attacked. Cloud service providers are already rapidly pushing for remediation efforts, and Intel said they have made significant progress.
Source: theverge