freki: Malware analysis platform
Freki is a free and open-source malware analysis platform.
- Facilitate malware analysis and reverse engineering;
- Provide an easy-to-use REST API for different projects;
- Easy deployment (via Docker);
- Allow the addition of new features by the community.
Current features
- Hash extraction.
- VirusTotal API queries.
- Static analysis of PE files (headers, sections, imports, capabilities, and strings).
- Pattern matching with Yara.
- Web interface and REST API.
- User management.
- Community comments.
- Download samples.
Freki currently uses the following technology to get everything running:
- Front-end
- Bootstrap: for easy and responsive interface development
- Back-end
- Python: main programming language
- Flask: lightweight web application framework
- SQLAlchemy: Python SQL toolkit
- Gunicorn: Python WSGI HTTP Server
- VirusTotal API: for querying the detection reports
- Yara: for pattern matching
- pefile: to parse information about PE files
- capa: to identify capabilities in PE files
Install & Use
Copyright (C) 2020 crhenr