ghidra_kernelcache: Ghidra iOS kernelcache framework for reverse engineering


ghidra_kernelcache: a Ghidra iOS kernelcache framework for reverse engineering

ghidra_kernelcache framework is the end product of my experience in reverse engineering iOS kernelcache, I do manually look for vulnerabilities in the kernel and have automated most of the things I really wanted to see in Ghidra to speed up the process of reversing, and this proven to be effective and saves a lot of time. The framework works on iOS 12/13/14 and has been made to the public with the intention to help people to start VR in iOS kernel without the struggle of preparing their own environment, as I believe, this framework ( including the toolset it provides and with some basic knowledge in IOKit) is sufficient to start dealing with the Kernelcache.


The whole framework is written in Python, and can be extended to build tools upon, it provides some basic APIs which you can use in almost any project and save time from reading the verbose manual, you can just read the code in utils/ directory.

Ghidra is good when it comes to analyzing the kernelcache, but like other RE tools, it needs some manual work, ghidra_kernelcache provides a good entry point to fix things at the start and even while doing reverse engineering thus providing a good-looking decompiler output.

There is a similar project done by @_bazad in IDAPro called ida_kernelcache which provides a good entry point for researchers wanting to work with the kernel image in IDA, my framework looks a bit similar to Brandon’s work, and goes beyond by providing much more features to make the process of working with the kernelcache a lot easier.

Here are some of the features provided by the framework :

  • iOS kernelcache symbolication.
  • Resolving virtual call references.
  • Auto fixing external method array for both ::externalMethod() and ::getTargetAndMethodForIndex().
  • Applying namespaces to class methods.
  • Symbol name and type propagation over function arguments.
  • Applying function signatures for known kernel functions.
  • Import old structures and classes from the old project to a new project.
  • Auto type-casting safeMetacast() return value to the appropriate class object type.

These features are made as a separate tool which can be executed either by key shortcuts or by clicking on their icons in the toolbar.

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